Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Com-bat Show-er

First things first. I'm going to be extremely busy over the next week or so. I may not have time to blog or anything. Just be patient....don't be in such a hurry! (sing with me)

Anywho, The Combat Shower. Imagine if you will, a number of shower stalls installed into a single wide trailer with a 500 gallon water tank attached to it and two little water heaters on the inside. When you work out the numbers, there is about 15 gallons per person, per day. That's not a lot of water for a shower. The official instructions are, get in, get wet, turn off the water. Lather up, rinse off, turn off water. This would be bad enough if the water were warm.

However, the previous 20 people decided they were sick of combat showers and drained the little water heaters 5 minutes before you stepped in. When the shower's made of stainless steel and stays a constant 37 degrees, and you're already naked, the ice cold water just makes it even worse! After several days of this, I wondered if the army just leaves the heaters off so that you'll conserve water. Rinsing off is even worse, cause now you're dripping wet on the 37 degree floor. You almost wanna skip the rinsing off phase, it's so cold!

So next time you're in the shower, shut off the hot water first and think of me! :)

JP out


Anonymous said...

...when you get, impatient, you only start to worry...*singing*

How about if I think of you WHILE I'm running the hot water? :)

Seriously, sorry about the cold water man. I remember having to do that on the missions trip to Mexico...not fun.

Arkaon said...

Lol, I will trade your cold showers for my not getting one for 4 days.

Seriously though, WLC sucked. Have fun.


Anonymous said...

Your computer illiterate Aunt Lisa finally got on your blog (the 1st I've ever been on!) to catch up on your life this past several months. I will be thinking and praying for you every time a eat a real meal, take a hot shower, look at a sunset from my back deck, and see a camel! We're gearing up to bake you cookies this weekend and send some other goodies. Know you're prayed for and loved half way across the world! Love, Aunt Lisa