Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Com-bat Show-er

First things first. I'm going to be extremely busy over the next week or so. I may not have time to blog or anything. Just be patient....don't be in such a hurry! (sing with me)

Anywho, The Combat Shower. Imagine if you will, a number of shower stalls installed into a single wide trailer with a 500 gallon water tank attached to it and two little water heaters on the inside. When you work out the numbers, there is about 15 gallons per person, per day. That's not a lot of water for a shower. The official instructions are, get in, get wet, turn off the water. Lather up, rinse off, turn off water. This would be bad enough if the water were warm.

However, the previous 20 people decided they were sick of combat showers and drained the little water heaters 5 minutes before you stepped in. When the shower's made of stainless steel and stays a constant 37 degrees, and you're already naked, the ice cold water just makes it even worse! After several days of this, I wondered if the army just leaves the heaters off so that you'll conserve water. Rinsing off is even worse, cause now you're dripping wet on the 37 degree floor. You almost wanna skip the rinsing off phase, it's so cold!

So next time you're in the shower, shut off the hot water first and think of me! :)

JP out

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Quick Note On My Address

I was given incomplete information!!! My address has changed in the last 24 hrs due to more info.

I gave out a three line address in the form of:

Rank, Last, First name

The correct address is in the form of:

Rank, Last, First name

Considering it's 3am back home right now, I haven't had a chance to correct it with my parents. In a few hours, they'll have the correct address. I apologize for any inconvinence this may have caused.

JP out.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Have An Address!!!!

They finally gave me a shipping address! This means that the buckets of cookie dough you have saved up in your freezer can now be baked, packaged and sent! Don't worry, I'll share......maybe.

If you would like my address, please contact my family or my church. I ask that you do not post it online anywhere, including e-mail. (See my post on Operational Security)

In other news, I found out that bad habits have an effective range of over 10,000 miles! I thought that by removing myself from my environment, I'd have a better handle over my bad habits, but one of them reared it's ugly head. I stayed up too late, which resulted in me being late to work. On the civilian side of things, it's bad enough, but on the army side, that's a big deal. The margin for error is a lot smaller. I need prayer to conquer this. I can't be screwing myself out of sleep or showing up late. Any suggestions are welcome.


JP Out

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Viewing the Sunset from the Balcony...

...of Sadaam's Palace
So, what did you do today?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Back to regular schedualed broadcasting....

Today, in our military lesson, I am going to discuss the M.R.E.

M.R.E officially stands for Meal Ready to Eat. Its a pre-packaged meal that's portioned for all the vitimins and minerals needed as well as daily portions of fat, calories, protien, etc. It comes with a special bag, that when you add water, it gets boiling hot, cooking the food in the process. The food is, at best, a fake-meat sandwich from McDonalds, and at worst, dry-mixed and canned egg omlet. Sometimes, pouring on the included tabasco sauce is the only way to choke it down.

Soldiers have come to give it more affectionate nicknames, such as Mr E (pronounced mystery) because you never really know if the meat is truly meat or not. My personal favorite, Meal Refusing to Exit.

The Meal Refusing to Exit is a pre-packaged meal specifically designed to stop you up. It's truely and experience, eating nothing but MREs for days on end. First, you notice that your daily poop is late. You wonder and worry, but figure it's just late. But days go by and you begin to gain weight. Next, you notice a sick feeling, but nothing serious. After 9 full days, you begin to have contractions (it's important to find a bathroom soon). After several mintues to a few hours of intense labor, it happens. You drop enough weight to clog up a porta-potty. Whew! What a relief!
Next week on Military Lesson 2: The Combat Shower.

In all seriousness, it's not quite that bad. We've only had to eat MREs for training exersises. The regular food here is pretty darn good. Steak and crab arms? Stir-Fri? Apple Pie? Ya, it's tough living when you have to make so many choices.

In case you havn't heard, I have changed locations. No address yet.....still working on that. However, internet is more reliable. I hope to get some pictures up here soon.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Westboro Baptist Church

Anyone heard of them? Truely a cult at heart. Their hatred for America, it makes the Al Quida seem like nice guys! Their website,, is blocked on all military computers because it's catigorized as racial and hate speech. The best quote I could get was from a forum.

"God's curse upou America is irreversible, because America has persecuted Westboro Baptist Church (WEC Chronicles - Since 1955) 3701 SW 12" St. Topeka, Kansas 66604 785-273-0325
GodHatesFags.comReligious Opinion and Bible Commentary on Current EventsThursday, February 14, 2008

NEWS RELEASE: Thank God for the Shooterat Northern Illinois University.
God sent the Shooter.
In His Wrath & Vengeance
against an Ungrateful
Nation that has Forsaken
Him &Embraced Filthy Fags.
WBC will picket their
hypocritical funerals &
memorials & "vigils."
Yes. In religious protest & warning;
to wit: "Benot deceived; God is not mocked." Gal. 6:7.
God Hates Fags! & Fag-Enablers. Ergo, Godhates fag-dominated Northern Illinois University,
fag-saturated Illinois, and fag-run America.
What part of this 12-word sentence don't you idiots understand?
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination."Lev. 18:22."

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is a fundamentalist religious organization headed by Fred Phelps and based in Topeka, Kansas, U.S. The church runs numerous websites such as, The group achieved national notoriety for picketing funeral processions for soldiers killed in action during the Iraq War. While its members identify themselves as Baptists, the church is an independent church not affiliated with any known Baptist conventions or associations, nor does any Baptist institution recognize the church as a Bible-believing fellowship."

"On February 15, 2008 they announced that they will picket the funerals of the victims of the shootings at Northern Illinois University." -- Wikipedia

How can this be? How is it that this group continues to operate? I pray that I never meet one of these people while I'm armed. I place a challenge out to the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.....come to Iraq and protest the war. I dare you!

Thats ok, just under 4000 US soldiers gave their lives in this war so that they can have the right to say what they will. Thank God for The Patriot Guard.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Could This Be Why I'm Here?

I just found out about this. This was not even 24hrs ago! For those that don't understand the significance, NIU (Northern Illinois University) was the school I would have been at last fall and this spring.

"MOST RECENT NEWS: 4 students at NIU have been confirmed to be killed from gunshot wounds. It is not known yet whether or not they were the ones critically wounded.On February 14, 2008 a lone, unknown gunman entered into a classroom in Cole hall near the center of the campus and began shooting with two handguns and one shotgun. 19 people were shot, including the gunman, 4 were critically wounded, 14 were not critically wounded but were still transported to the hospital. 1 was killed, that was the gunman who took his own life.The gunman has been identified, but his name is not going to be released publicly. It has been confirmed that he was not a student at the university.There are several hotlines that are available to anyone who wants to know the current situation of the college.815-753-1573 815-753-1574 815-753-1575 815-753-6143 815-753-6257 815-753-9564Continue to pray for the families. I will continue to update the information as it comes in."

I wonder if I could have been one of those 19. Perhaps God knows better than I do!

On an administrative note, It'll be a while before I get an address. Once I have it, I'll let you know, but it will not be posted online. You must contact my family or my church for the address. Once I have an address, feel free to send a disposable camera, I'll fill it with pictures and send it back!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life With Sand

Picture this. You look around in every direction and all you see is more sand! Not even a tree, rock or cactus! It's very easy to get lost if you're not careful!

Anywho, I gotta do this quick. I saw some camels! I snapped a few pictures while they were far away. They came right up to our vehical, but since I was the driver, I had to concern myself with not hitting them! They're large and dumb. Oh, one hump.

Today, I was able to play bass at the camp chapel! They had a acoustic guitar player and a few singers. We had two others from our group playing too. A 1LT on the keys and a PFC on the drums. The drummer is a friend of mine so it was pretty cool to be able to not only worship together, but also play music together! It's amazing that we could come from all across the US and unite in Kuwait through God. The playing was smooth, all things considered! BTW, I would have played electric, but they didn't have an amp.

Gotta go.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Slow Internet Blues

Imagin that the internet was so slow, that it could be said of dial-up that it was faster! Imagin if you had to read Arabic to sign into your own blog! Imagin it was 11am on Feb 6th and it's approching 80 degrees. Imagine if you woke up to find that Mike Huckabee did NOT win the IL primary! Today could be a lot better......

We're gearing up for a three day exercise. I'll get to play with Peggy Sue again. She's been feeling neglected. Over the three days, I'll be spending some quality time with her, bathing her, holding her, and firing her! Peggy Sue is the name of my weapon.

Life so far here has been pretty slow. I've spent a large amount of time in the gym and it's feeling good to get back to it. It's 20-25min walk to the gym so it makes for a great warm up/cool down. Well, I gotta get going now.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm Back, again.

From 0200 to 0600, I watched the Superbowl. It's amazing, the technology.

When the game began, and they sung the national anthem, the entire room went silent as we all stood at attention. This may sound sappy, but I let a few tears, knowing that I'm halfway around the world, yet I'm still able to celebrate my home nation. The flag means so much more when your more than a plane ride away from the nearest Wal-Mart. Believe me, you don't quite appreciate what you have until your away from it.

Congratulations to the NY Giants for winning Superbowl XLII!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

So, I've got internet for a bit.

Guess what? I'm no longer in the states! Ya, you probably could have guessed. Anywho, internet is hard to come by so I'll have to just give you a short message.

Hi! It's very dusty here. Today, however, the weather was very clear. A nice 60s, approching 70s. I'm nearly adjusted to the time change. I will say that the keyboard on the computer I'm borrowing is horrible! It's hard to type on and it hurts my arms. I'm getting carple tunnle as we speak!

It'll likely be a few weeks before I can get more reliable internet. I'll send messages more then. I'm limited to 1/2 hr at a time on this computer so next time, I'll type it on mine and copy it on to this computer.

Sunday at Midnight, we're watching the Superbowl. Ya, it'll likely be a crazy party! I've been working out quite a bit and trying not to blow my money at all the shops and such set up all over the place. It truely is an experience.

One way to know that you are no longer in the states....the sign-in for this blog is in Arabic and the ads on facebook ask if I want a green card for me and my family to go to the USA! It's also wierd to me that while it is nearly time to sleep, the people I know back home are getting ready for lunch. I've never been out of North America before so the whole time difference is new to me.

Anywho, just a quick update. Hope things are going well back home!
