Tuesday, January 29, 2008

OPSEC (Operations security) - a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by adversary intelligence systems, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information. Unlike security programs that seek to protect classified information, OPSEC measures identify, control, and protect generally unclassified evidence that is associated with sensitive operations and activities.

In civillian terms, its the process of limiting the distribution of potentially sensitive information. The number one concern of the army is information such as movement dates, times and locations. Most of the time, this information is accidentally leaked out without the person realizing it.

I bring this up because some information that I gave to people individually made it to the internet and could be found rather easily via Google. I contacted the source of the information and it was taken down later that day so all is good. My point is not to put down the person that posted such information, but rather remind everyone of my readers that this stuff is real.

So what guidelines should you use? Simply, if you don't see it on this blog, then it shouldn't be online. There are things I can tell friends and family using other sources, but it can't be posted on a public site.

So, now that that's out of the way...

Life's still good. Keeping busy. I don't really have much to say at the moment cause it's late and I'm tired. So, laters!

Monday, January 28, 2008

HP has hope!

Quick blerb. I called HP again and an English speaking American (or at least he sounded American) answered. 26 min later, problem solved. This included him talking to his supervisor to work around the issue that the old wireless card needed to be returned within 15 days. If HP continues to add English speakers to their tech support, they'll go up in my book!

In other news, things are winding down. We are really busy at the moment to I'll have some short or non-existant posts here in the next week or two. I'll squeeze one up here as I get time. Please pray for safety, as well as dealing with my new leader. Lastly, for our unit to mesh together as people are beginning to have issues with other people, causing division.

JP Out.

Friday, January 25, 2008


I don't recall what HEAT stands for, but HEAT training is a vehical rollover simulation. I had a buddy take this video while I was in the simulator. I am the third person to exit.

HEAT training

Also, I have a pair of videos of a 7 mile road march we did. It was 25-28 degrees, and when we left, the sun wasn't up yet. Our carried water froze, leaving us with nothing to drink. The first video is longer and gives you a better sense of what a road march is like. However, *DISCLAIMER*, this is a video of the Army. There is swearing! Please preview the video before allowing younger people to view it. The second video is much shorter, but it is clean.

First Video

Second Video (Clean)

Lastly, a bit for my regular readers. I've been having internet issues (due to the previously mentioned wireless card tech support saga). Thus, I have been unable to post. I am borrowing a buddy's computer for this post. BTW, I called HP again....and I nearly fell off my chair. The tech support guy spoke English! I'm resonably convinced that he was within 4 hrs of my time zone! In 26 mins and 37 seconds, from first ring to hang up, I got them to ship a new wireless card! About 10 mins was him putting me on hold, because he wasn't technically allowed to switch the card with a different brand, and there was also an issue with me being overseas. But rather than saying that he couldn't do it, he talked to his supervisor and worked things out! Victory is mine!!!


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Technical Support...An Oxymoron of the Greatest Extent

Since when did technical support become neither technical, nor support? I bought myself a nice new HP laptop back in late July. One of the things that most impressed me was when I called to order the machine, the guy spoke english....no wait, AMERICAN english. Not even a southern accent! I even put it down on one of those after purchase surveys that I was happy to speak to someone in english and my purchasing experience was plesent. Little did I know, it was all a gimick.

A couple months later, I called to extend my warranty due to my pending deployment. I talked to someone in India.....big suprise. I figured maybe it was a 50/50 chance of speaking with an American. O well. I got the warranty, which still took 30+ min. Now fast foward a few more months. My wireless card (or wifi) starts acting up. Having dealt in the past with "tech support", I did everything possible to avoid calling them. I did some research on the internet and found that the Intel 3945A/B/G wireless card sucks! The issue is it has a new power saving feature. For the techies, I'll explain.

It has a feature that it will signal the router to cache all data going to your computer for a set amount of time, and it will shut off. It will then periodically turn back on to receive the cached data. The problem is Intel didn't consider what would happen if the router ignored the signal and sent data anyway. The card shuts down, and when it wakes up again to receive data, the router assumes the connection was lost and doesn't send anything. Thus, a lost connection. It gets worse. Sometimes, when the card doesn't receive anything back, it goes into some sort of hibernation mode. It shuts itself off completely and can only be turned on again by disabling and reenabling it through control panel. Sometimes, even more completely and the computer must be restarted! Intel has known about this problem and all they say on the website is to update your router. That's not always possible, such as when your using someone elses router. BTW, Windows XP doesn't support this new "feature" on the card so the card doesn't have this problem running XP.

Back to the story. I dreadingly called HP to beg for a card switch. And, as expected, I was connected to Muhammad Alli who claimed to be, "John" with HP. I gave him my name, carefully spelling my first and last name. Yes, I said my FIRST and last name. Then I varified my phone number, product number, serial number, zip code number, shoe size number, brother-in-law's bosses number and the number of fingers on my left hand. Finally, this guy on the other side of the globe, enough hours ahead that he was in the next day, was sure that I was who I said I was.

So I begin describing the perils of my wifi card, pointing out that I had done research on the internet to find that the card itself sucked. He asked me to show him a site on the internet where it talks about the issue. So I hopped on another computer and led him to the intel website where they discribe the problem. So now he tells me to go to the HP website and download a driver. Hmmm...but if my wireless internet card isn't working.......how....do you suppose.....I'm going to DOWNLOAD A DRIVER??? Is there anything else we can try? (Like, maybe sending me a new card....) He says, ok but we we need to try this first. So I say again, I can't download because my card doesn't work. "Ok....I need to log this as actions taken, please wait..."

So I'm waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I hear this periodic clicking noise. Two, maybe three times a second. Suddenly, it dawns on me. That's the noise of him type.....no, that's giving him to much credit.....hunting and pecking this information for his log! I sit and wait for 2 and a half minutes and he doesn't say anything the whole time. Then, my phone beeps. Call lost! I bang the desk in frustration and the borrowed desktop computer restarts. First time in my years of computer useage I've seen that one work!

So now I'm even more determined. Suddenly, an idea! When I called to order, they spoke English. What if I call and say I'm ordering, then do the old switcharoo and tell THEM the problem. So I call and go through the voice automated system. I am almost immediatly connected with Daniel from Boise, ID. What's your name? I tell him (and he DOESN'T need the spelling of my first name). Then comes the oppertunity...."What would you like to order?" I explain the situation and ask him for help. He understands the issue and would be able to help if he were in the right department. That's right, in 30 seconds, I made more progress than I could have hoped for in 30 mins! Then......BEEEPP!!! Call lost! All I could do was laugh. It was that, or run outside naked screaming at the 1.2 Billion Indian "tech support" persons with common American names. I choose the former for obvious reasons.

So I called back and got Michelle. She was less helpful and was about to transfer me across the globe. I refused and said I wanted to speak to her supervisor. I'm thinking I'm getting somewhere now! Then, plain as day, her supervisor answers. "Hello, I am from India and I have no idea what you're saying." Well, not exactly, but her supervisor was freakin Indian!!!! I didn't even try. I said thank you, and hung up. I have one final option. I'm going to order a laptop, and during the customizing phase, I'm going to have them remove everything but the wireless card and have them send me that. I'll let you know how that goes.

I at least hope that when a person in India calls tech support, they're transfered to someone in the USA.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Decked out, Terminator style! Together, we can shoot over 400 bullets at you without even reloading!!! HAHAHAHA!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The World is Truely Ending

I........I...I....bbb-b-bought a d-d-d-dig-d......sigh.......dig---i--tal c-c-c-camera. It hurts to say! I bought a digital camera! I feel dirty now, like I should visit a priest.
"Tell me, child, what have you done?"
"I bought a digital camera. I knew I shouldn't do it...but I couldn't resist!"
"How long has it been since your last confession?"
"I've only used film cameras before, so never."
"So this is your first time?"
"Yes, and I feel horrible about it!"
"You know that God will forgive you."
"But how can he? This is truely unforgivable!"
"God can forgive any sin. All you have to do is repent, return the camera and use the money to buy film."

Ok, so it's not that bad, but this is up there with me buying a country cd and a mac. In reality, I bought one because my film camera is locked up in a storage container at the moment. Also, there's no where to develop film right now. Lastly, it's small enough to take with me practically everywhere. Don't worry though, I'll be using my film camera whenever I can.

For the techies that read this......(hint, not mike oscar mike ;) ), I also bought a 200gb 7200rpm hard drive (HITACHI) for my laptop. This is to replace the 160gb 5400rpm hard drive (Seagate) in it now. I got an encloser (sp?) for 2.5" drives to put the 160gb drive in and run it off USB. The new drive uses slightly more power at idle but slightly less power in use. Being a faster drive, I figure it wont be in use as often so there should be an overall better battery life.

Lastly, a bit of army news. I'm adjusting to a new supervisor. He joined the unit a few days ago and his leadership style is drastically different than my previous supervisor. It's been quite an adjustment and so far, I'm hating it. (Hint, I don't like change). In the long term, it may work out. I certainly hope it does.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Military Reflections

18 days from now marks the anniversary of my leaving home for basic training. Until that time, I had never been away from home for more than a week and a half. Upon leaving, I was gone until late July (with a 3 day visit home in May). Then in November, I left once again. This time, to return the following December. In my first 12 months of Military service, I have been gone for 8 months with 11 months to go!

Looking back at 2007, it was a turning point for my life. I haven't been home long enough to see how I've changed, but I know when I left that January 30th,it was the first time I stayed in a hotel without knowing anyone there! I was scared. 21 years old and scared to go to a hotel by myself! Basic training, it was the first time I had woken up before the sun twice in the same year, much less, 9 weeks in a row! AIT, I got my first tattoo and experienced life with roommates. (Basic Training doesn't count because there's no resemblance of real life :) ). I had to start over with all new friends. It was the first time in my life, since I was too young to remember, that I was told what to eat, what to wear, where to go and when, when to wake up, when to go to bed, when to eat, basically every aspect of my life was out of my hands! During my time away from home, it surprised me what I missed and even more, what I didn't miss. Things that had seemed so important before were now nothing. Yet, things like photography, listening to music, pizza, even going to Wal-Mart, I began to miss. It really brought things into prospective! It goes without saying that I missed my friends and family.

There were some really good things about this too. To date, I haven't mowed my lawn since late summer '06! I haven't mowed at all since Aug '07. My goal is 1 year. If only to make up for years past! Oddly enough, I did find myself missing the smell of fresh cut grass, or grass at all for that matter! The east coast has a ton of sand and not much grass!!! I got to spend a few weeks with my aunt and uncle. Their house is pretty cool! Just 4 blocks or so, there's a downtown/restaurant area with some really good food. I hear that in the summer, there's a lot going on at night including outdoor live music! Go another 2 blocks, and you're at the train station into Chicago! I drove up there (150 miles) with 1/2 a tank of gas. Over the next 2 weeks, I used less than the other 1/2 tank of gas! I could walk to places! It was awesome! Twice, I hopped the train to Chicago, watched an episode of Prison Break on my trusty laptop and I was there!

Already, I'm making plans for '09. If I have any control over it, '09 will be a normal year again. I'm gonna party like it's 2009! 2009 includes going to college, which is what got me into this position in the first place! Frequent trips to Chicago are likely. Maybe try to pick up a job at the local music store. I'm having a car worked on while deployed. If things go as planned, I'll be driving around in a '67 MGB convertible! I'll also be visiting my Aunt and Uncle at least once a month. None of these things would have been possible if I hadn't signed up! Plus, I get an all expense paid trip for one, to Iraq! I'm looking forward to what will come, and looking back, seeing what God has brought me through. I may not have understood it at the time, and I'll admit, I'm not completely sure at this point. But I know that God brought me here for a reason. I know I made the right choice.

P.S. I am convinced that hell is 34 degrees, raining and perpetually 5am with no coffee.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The stuff the commercials are made of!

So the other day, I had perhaps the most fun I've had in a long time. Off roading in a vehicle that isn't your own! Better yet, a government vehicle! That's right, free-wheeling Humvee! This is the stuff that you see in the commercials and all the army people go, "Ya, I wish we did that". Well, we DID do that. The goal was, we were given a GPS and told, get from here to there. So, we did. We followed the trails, and when we felt the trails were wrong, we made our own! We took down small trees, and nearly took out the front window with this huge branch. We covered the thing in mud as we took it through foot deep water. We took it over fallen trees that were at least 15" in diameter. The vehicle took it like a champ! We even found an old office chair in the middle of the forest. We grabbed it and took it back, hoping to keep it for the tent. We discovered it had a hole in the seat, so we tossed it back. Oh, it was great! I now see the draw to off roading. Let me tell you tho, the Hummer.....the REAL H1 Hummer, is quite a vehicle. It'll beat any SUV hands down in all catigories pertaining to off roading. Stupid H2, H3 and whatever else they got.

Anywho, just thought I'd share that with you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What a Day!

So today was an interesting day. It started off really bad, but got better. I woke up at and unknown time, thirsty as ill get out. I slowly got dressed. I had a headache due to dehydration. I walked to the waterpoint and rehydrated. I came back to the tent and proceeded to get my stuff, unknowing that I was 15 min late at this point. I got a quick, "Hurry up" from my sergeant so I picked up the pace. It took me at least 7 min to gather my stuff. Another sergeant came in and yelled at me for being late. I wanted to kill him! Not literally of course. Saying that kind of thing makes people on edge around here. Perhaps its because we all carry loaded weapons.... anywho.

The day got better. I went to my training. The night shift did very well and they didn't leave a pile of work for me to do. I went about my tasks. The day started slowly so I was able to ease into the training. Apperently I was doing quite well, because about 2/3 into the day, I was told that the Officer in charge of the training mentioned me by name as doing a good job and that I was on top of things. I got a pat on the back from my sergeant. It felt really good. The rest of the day, by comparison was pretty boring. At one point, I went to take a break, and fell asleep. I wasn't woken up until over an hour later! I wasn't intending to sleep more than 10min! Apperently it wasn't really an issue as my shift was over. Got lucky there.

Well, I'm 7min past 1030, my goal for going to bed. Laters!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I have internet!!! Which is great, cause I cant find my cellphone charger. And the battery is nearly dead. I finally worked together with the other computer guy here to connect a pair of wireless repeaters. DD-WRT + Linksys wireless router = good! Our tent is the only one that has internet. Of over 1000 ppl, 16 people have internet. I love it!

Anywho, I hope someone reads this, cause I need a cellphone charger mailed to me. I had a 2nd charger that I used at work, and I think it's still there. It's a charger for an LG phone. BTW, my mailing address has not changed. I may have to turn my phone back on just to relay this message. Please leave a comment if you read this.

Anywho, the past couple days, we've been doing some 24 hour training so half of the people, I only see during shift change. It feels slightly realistic. Especially when we've had training deaths with the names of actual people on it. It brings a sense of realism. Plus, with changing shifts, you have to adjust to whatever the night shift did before you. It's pretty cool. Well, sleepytime!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's over so quick

Im in my last 12 hrs in IL. It's over so quick. It seems like just yesterday I was flying home!