Tuesday, April 29, 2008

*Insert Clever Title Here*

I'm still stuck here. Word has it that the sand storms will continue until the 1st of May. Days here are just dragging. Partly because of the wierd schedule I'm forced to keep. I sleep from about midnight or 1 until 6, then from 8 until noon or 2. Thus, it makes it seem like two days have past, when only one has. From 6pm until midnight, we wait around to find out we're not going anywhere. It's eat, sleep, watch movies. I only wish it were good food and a comfortable bed. O, and a change of clothes.

If you're the type that hates being unproductive (hint, I am), then imagine knowing that you're doing nothing for 5 days straight. O well, "This too shall pass!" (Bonus points to whoever can tell me where that's found in the Bible).

Well, time to go eat again. Laters!

JP Out!

Monday, April 28, 2008


So, I feel like I'm in Pergatory. Not at home, but not at my base. I'm completely separated from most of my things, minus laptop and 1 change of clothes. I've been waiting for a flight out for 3 days now and they have all been canceled. As odd as it sounds, I can't wait to get back to my room. At least there I can shower! Right now, the screen is beginning to melt from my stench. Be happy you can't smell it from there!

But beyond that, I've been sleeping, eating, and watching the movies I've downloaded onto my computer. I've watched Blade Runner, The Green Mile, Who Killed The Electric Car, 2 Fast 2 Furious, August Rush and I Am Legend (Alternate ending version). I've watched 4 episodes of Family Guy and 3 episodes of The Office. Of all the movies, I Am Legend was the best, followed by The Green Mile. Blade Runner was wierd. August Rush had some good music in it, but the story was a little sappy for my taste. 2 Fast 2 Furious was an action movie, nothing more. Who Killed The Electric Car was a documentary, and was rather interesting.

I've got a long post that I typed up on the plane from Germany but I can't post it until I get back. It's a summary of my time on leave and I don't want to write everything twice, so I guess y'all have to wait until I get back for that one. Sucks to be you! :) Just to play it up a bit, I had an excellent time and some wonderful things happened during the two weeks! I can't wait to share it with you!

Well, that's enough for now. Enjoy (and wait impatiently for the best blog post ever!)


Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm Leavin'......on a Jet Plane

......Don't know when I'll be back again.

Ok, I do know, but can't say here.

I've had a wonderful time back in the states, and I apologize to anyone I did not get out to see. I'll go in to much greater details about the past couple weeks, but later. I've still got some packing to do!

Thank you to everyone who was so kind and for all the free meals! I'm truely blessed to have such a large network of friends and family! May God bless you as he has blessed me!

Stay tuned, as I've got some exciting news!

JP Out!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Good News!

Apperently people didn't find my late April Fools joke very funny! At least I told you I was kidding! Imagine if I told you I was coming home a few weeks later or not at all, then suddenly showed up at the house after being in town a day or two? That would be crule! I can't imagine anyone getting home and not telling anyone!!! Who would do such a thing?

Anywho, this is an "official" notice. I have begun my travels. As usual, I cannot give out many details. I can say that I have left my residence and have begun the long trip home. At this point, there are still uncertanties in the travel that can cause up to multiple day delays so even if I could tell you, I don't have an exact date that I'll be home. Please be praying for safety in transit and that there will not be any unnecessary delays. I will keep you posted as much as possible. If I cannot get to a computer, I will be calling home with updates as well so the most current information will come from my parents. See you all soon!

JP out!

Friday, April 4, 2008


So I've got bad news........I was just informed that due to a shortage of people, the military is canceling all leave!!! As it turns out, someone screwed up the numbers and now none of us get to go home!!!!
Ok, even online, I can't keep a straight face! LATE APRIL FOOLS! See ya all soon!

P.S. I have recovered my USB drive. YAY!