Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Rare Moment of Clarity

The Rubik's Cube.

Tonight, I've experienced a rare moment of clarity. Many things in life I didn't have an answer for finally were laid out in a way that I understood better than I thought possible.

It's like I've had a Rubik's Cube floating in my head for months, twisting and turning at it but achieving nothing more than perhaps a single side of solid color. Just enough progress to reminde me that it is possible.

Well, tonight, the twisting and turning suddenly connected it all together and I saw a 6 sided complete cube for a few moments before it began to rejumble itself. It was knowledge, perhaps to great for me. Understanding that I can't attribute to my own abilities.

It's given me much needed direction. Now, I must act!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So I've mostly adjusted to life back home, but it's wierd how life can be sometimes. There's a part of me that actually wants to go back to that lifestyle, like the Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt. It's not that life is bad here. To the contrary, it's quite good! It's just so easy for anything else to look better, be it the future, the past, or even the thought of what could be.

All we can do is live for today, trust God for tomorrow, and ask Him to forgive our past. Cause who knows? Each day could be our last, so why waste it?


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Title Change

So, since I'm no longer around the world, I changed the title of the blog to reflect that. I will continue to post, but it will consist of my current thoughts and musings. Read some, think about it some, add some comments. All in all, it's just for fun anymore!
