Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sometime's Life's a Game

I am a soldier in the United States Army. I am an example to those back home of strength and disiplain. I am a worrior in God's army. I am an example to those here of strength and disiplain. I am a tall tower among my peers. Or so I thought.

But I am just a game of Jenga. Growing ever taller, all the while, my foundation grows ever weaker. Slowly and almost unoticed, blocks that I stand on have been removed and replaced with nothing but air, while more and more is added on top, giving the illusion of growth. Then, seemingly without warning, the whole thing comes crashing down, as the devil shouts joyously, "Jenga!" He had succeeded.

The difference here is that God steps in to remake me into what I once was, rather than just packing up the broken pieces and putting it on the shelf next to Monopoly, Clue, Battleship and all the other classics. One thing about God, when he play's Jenga, he cheats. He adds to the top while reinforcing the base. He takes us from a stack of blocks into something useful that can stand up against anything! I just need to realize that I cannot make it on my own.

I want to take this time to thank all of you that have supported me thus far. I want to give a shout out to my 4-H club for the box of food that was sent! Darn good brownies! For my family, who also sent some great brownies, and have been there for me and supported me, especially my father who's helped me with a project back home. My grandparents (again, for some great brownies :) ) as well as their pride. My girlfriend for being understanding while I work out at the gym. My friends, for not forgetting me while I'm gone. My church for all the times I've just needed someone to talk to. And anyone else not specifically mentioned! I know I haven't gotten back to a lot of those that have sent me stuff, and I'll try. But let me at least give a general thank you!

I hope you all are staying cool in the nice 90+ degree weather! I gotta say one thing good about the weather here....it's rained 3 times since early Feb, and not once since May. Though it makes things incredibly dry, you never have to worry about leaving things out overnight, or rain changing your plans. The weather is borringly predicable....hot, hotter, less hot. Though I do miss green. And grass. (No, I really mean grass, not pot!)

Well, that's all for now!!!


None said...

um...so I'm still waiting to see you post the brownie contest winner.

How long does it take to write, "First place goes to Anna Pittenger!" ???? it's only 6 words!! :)

Anonymous said...

Jason, We are proud to be able to support you through brownies and through prayers! You are ever changing and growing in God and I for one stand in awe of the works he has worked in you! You are an inspiration to us all! The kids will be glad to hear that the goodie boxes made it and that you enjoyed the contents. Stay Safe! Theresa

Juliet Alpha Sierra Oscar November said...

It's There's A! ;) Yes, the brownies were much appreciated! Thank you!

None said...


"It's There's A!!"

what does that mean?