Saturday, August 16, 2008


That's right, I passed the PT test!!!!

Ok, story time.

As you all know, I failed to pass the situp portion of the PT test. I had an oppertunity to take the test again on the 13th, so in the time between then, I focused almost exclusively on ab work. It paid off as I went from 46 situps to 53 situps. A gain of 6 in less than a week! However, the ordeal wasn't over. After the test, I was weight and hight measured. I weigh 184lbs, down from 189lbs in June, and my height is 69". At my height, the Army says I should weight 179lbs, so I have to be taped for fat percentage. In June, I measured in at 22% which is right at the allowable limit. After loosing 5lbs, and increasing my bench press 50%, I measure in at 23%!!!! Thus, I am now again temporarily barred from promotion!!! (The Army system is flawed, making this possible). So, for three days, I eat almost nothing, keep exercising, and on the day of the measuring, drink almost no water. In three days, I'm down to 180lbs and 20%! HAHA!!!

So now the bar is lifted and there's nothing holding me back!!!! HAHAHA!!! Soon, line one of my address will change. But like all things the government deals with, it's gonna take time.

Either way, now that that's taken care of, I'm going to get back to a reasonable eating/pt/sleeping schedual.

Topic 2: Observations.

The human body is incredibly capable of noticing relativity, but is a poor judgement of absolutism. What I mean is takes little to no training to know if an instrument is out of tune, yet if I were to play a note by itself, only the best can determine if the note is sharp or flat. Or in the visual sense, I could show you two different red objects 20 min apart that were similar shade and they'd look the same. Yet, putting them next to each other, the difference would be pronounced.

In the same way, our souls are excellent judges of reletivity, and poor judgement of absolutes. In other words, we often compare ourselves to those around us, rather than the truth. O, I must be right, because I'm better than _____. Or, I'm a failure because I'm not as good as ______. When we were given the knowledge of good and evil, we were only given the basics to tell if something is more evil or more rightous than something else. To truely know how true something is requires years of careful training and exposure to the truth, just like people with perfect pitch train themselves.

I don't really have a main point to hammer home with this thought. It was just that, a thought. Chew on it for a bit. Spit it out, choke it down with some water, give it to the dog, sell it on Ebay, I don't care. It's food for thought.

JP Out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on passing the final test! So I can send fattening goodies now? :)