Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The World is Truely Ending

I........I...I....bbb-b-bought a d-d-d-dig-d......sigh.......dig---i--tal c-c-c-camera. It hurts to say! I bought a digital camera! I feel dirty now, like I should visit a priest.
"Tell me, child, what have you done?"
"I bought a digital camera. I knew I shouldn't do it...but I couldn't resist!"
"How long has it been since your last confession?"
"I've only used film cameras before, so never."
"So this is your first time?"
"Yes, and I feel horrible about it!"
"You know that God will forgive you."
"But how can he? This is truely unforgivable!"
"God can forgive any sin. All you have to do is repent, return the camera and use the money to buy film."

Ok, so it's not that bad, but this is up there with me buying a country cd and a mac. In reality, I bought one because my film camera is locked up in a storage container at the moment. Also, there's no where to develop film right now. Lastly, it's small enough to take with me practically everywhere. Don't worry though, I'll be using my film camera whenever I can.

For the techies that read this......(hint, not mike oscar mike ;) ), I also bought a 200gb 7200rpm hard drive (HITACHI) for my laptop. This is to replace the 160gb 5400rpm hard drive (Seagate) in it now. I got an encloser (sp?) for 2.5" drives to put the 160gb drive in and run it off USB. The new drive uses slightly more power at idle but slightly less power in use. Being a faster drive, I figure it wont be in use as often so there should be an overall better battery life.

Lastly, a bit of army news. I'm adjusting to a new supervisor. He joined the unit a few days ago and his leadership style is drastically different than my previous supervisor. It's been quite an adjustment and so far, I'm hating it. (Hint, I don't like change). In the long term, it may work out. I certainly hope it does.


Anonymous said...

I'm offended...why yesterday I was listening to a country cd on my mac while taking pictures with a digital camera.

haha, ok take away the mac...but I do wish I had one, take away the country cd, it's not really my style...but I do use a digital camera (SLR) and I love it. :)

What's so bad about digital?
I do agree that there is something organic about film, but I don't think that digital cameras were made by satan. :)

good luck with the new supervisor!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!! you totally crack me up!!

"I feel like I need to go to a priest."

:) You are so funny. :) I miss you alot. oh, and don't let Beth touch that camara or you will have 2,000 random pictures. :)

None said...

Hi Jay,
It's good to know that we can still experience your sense of humor even through the internet. I still haven't used my digital yet, so I don't need to confess. I am concerned that I will learn to just take shots of anything and forget how to try to take a good photo--but it also will be able to view the photos I've taken right away.
Thanks for singling me out as the only non-techie that you know!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Anna, I don't take 2,000 pictures!!!!! I think you take more then me know.