Friday, March 28, 2008

Time for Another Post

So, I lost my USB drive. This is highly unfortunate, because I now do not have a way of putting pictures online! I will be buying another one shortly, but it probably won't happen before I get back on leave. Well, you all have made it this long without pictures....what's another couple weeks?

Anywho, life here has been interesting. I'm working night shift now, 2200 - 1000. It's kinda nice because I'm able to use the computers and phones, plus, I'm up when people back home are up! The hours suck but the perks are good. I'm begining to like it because I wake up, go to supper, come back and chill with people that are getting back from work, go off to work as they're going to sleep. Get off work and get to sleep by 1100. Sleep during the hottest part of the day, and then wake up for supper. It's like the ultimate lazyman's shift! Now don't get me wrong, I've still got a lot of work to do during those hours, but like I said, the perks are nice.

Sometime, probably while traveling, I'm going to put together a slide presentation of everything I've seen to date. I'll have a lot of sorting to do because I'm up to 1500 pictures already!!! However, I can show you pictures that I can't post online due to security issues. I've even got some videos to throw in!

We had our first worship practice this past Thursday. It was a practice/planning/see what we need to make this successful meeting. We realized that we're in dire need of guitar music, as the music we have is for piano, with the guitar chords written in size 2.5 font. All of the chords are B#mb7/G9 and FmajSus11/E13 and A7b9/F and other super complicated chords when B, F and A would work just fine. I've gotta make sure I grab my music book when I come back from leave. That, and there's a shortage of picks. The PX here gives out these cardboard "coins" for 5, 10 and 25 cents that I've been cutting into pick shapes. 25 cents is about what I pay for picks back home. However, these usually last only one jam session. They sound about right though. Just a bit flimsier than I prefer but almost right. I'll also grab about 6 packs of strings. Haven't broken one yet, but then again, I don't have any more if I were to break one!

Speaking of guitar (non guitar players and especially non musical people might get lost in this paragraph), I've been playing some slide guitar. I tuned the guitar so it's a D chord without fretting the strings and used a slide to change the pitch. Now most slide players use a glass bottle top (excecpt for Blind Willie Johnson who used a pocket knife) but glass bottles are hard to come by. So I used the next best thing, a tube from my stereo! There's a picture of one at the link below. It's just about the perfect size and it's glass so it gets the same tone. Sitting outside, in the evening air, playin the blues with a non-alcoholic beer......I could almost forget where I'm at for a few minutes!

Well, I'll see ya'll soon!

JP Out



Anonymous said...

Sounds like your having a great time (at least compared to basic and NJ)! We can't wait to see you home! I plan to be back when you're back, so hopefully we can spend a few hours together.
Right now I can hear drunks singing to CCR's Have You Ever Seen the Rain. Good times in Helser. : )
Have a great week! Keep posting!

Juliet Alpha Sierra Oscar November said...

That'll be us in a few weeks.....ahem, drunk....on....pepsi....I...mean!

LOL. j/k

Anonymous said...

hey ther!! sounds like u r gettin the break here!! lol!! well hope that you had a fun b-day!! and will see you soon on leave!! lol! kk out