Sunday, November 11, 2007

CLS Certified

From this past Thursday till tomorrow, I've been in a class for CLS certification. CLS stands for Combat Life Saver. They teach me the basic first aid skills needed to save a life on the battlefield. This includes stopping bleeding to correcting a collapsed lung. I even had to start an IV today! That's right, I stuck someone with a needle, and they stuck me! I got it on my first try......and guy I was sticking......he missed twice! I've only got two arms, so I was done being a pincusion. I don't like needles anyway! However, at least I know I can do it. So next time you need an IV, give me a call! I promise I'll charge less than a doctor!

Tomorrow, we have a short test, then we're released for the rest of the day! I'm taking the oppertunity to spend it with my family so I'm driving home. I also get Monday off as well!!! It'll be nice to see them once more.

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