Thursday, May 29, 2008

Contest Update.

Ok, so I gave it some thought, and I realized, with current gas prices, $20 bearly covers the trip to the post office. Much less, driving back home afterwards! So I'm going to increase the prizes. I haven't decided what yet, but it's going to be an item from one of the gift stores over here. There's another word I want to use to discribe this item, but I can't spell the French word that begins with an S that sums it up. I figure why try?

I will inform all of the winner, and give the winner some choice in the matter. I know that my idea of cool is not always someone elses idea of cool.

Anywho, it's been getting really hot over here. Average 110-115 in the shade. When you hear on the weather report, heat index of 110, that's what it feels like here. The humidity is rather low, so it's not super bad yet. I hear rumors of 140s in July!

I've successfully put together my guitar amplifier! I've been waiting on the mail for my speaker to arrive. In the mean time, I'm using it as an acoustic amplifer using my stereo speakers.

Shooot, times up. Gotta go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The heat index here in jacksonville was about 100 today, and tomorrow it will be 104. However, for no shirt on the beach, today was very nice.

Jealous yet? lol