Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Have Arrived

So I've been intentionally ambiguous about my move date because times, dates and locations are potentially sensitive information. However, that doesn't stop me from saying that I have officially arrived at my new location, and it's a million times better!!!! Ok, so not a million, but a lot.

First off, this base is considerably biggger and there's more to do. There's even a pool, though I haven't been yet. The place where I work is a lot closer (5min walk instead of 30min) and the place to spend money is a lot farther (20min by bus instead of 20min walk). Yet, it's still available if I really need something. Work load isn't bad.

I've gotten all the parts for my guitar amp together and I'm able to play again! The guitar survived being locked in a metal container in this heat for a few weeks (which is quite a feat!). I played last night until my fingers were sore (20min cause I'm out of practice). It was wonderful.

I've got a PT test coming up on Aug 6th. If I pass, I SHOULD be elegible for a promotion! So it's kinda a big deal! I've got my work cut out for me.

Anywho, I will be posting the results for the brownie contest soon. Thank you, btw!


1 comment:

Angelus Oscuro said... didn't have exactly what I was looking for, that's why I ordered from ampwares.