Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nothing Ever Changes

Nothing ever stays the same.

That's my philisophical quote for today.

Before I continue, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! I want to give a shout out to all fathers out there. I personally think they should rename it to Dad's day, because anyone can be a father, but it takes a great man can be a dad. Dad, you didn't have to physically be there when I was born, but you choose to. You could have walked out, but you remained committed. You could have buried yourself in your work, or drowned yourself in alcohol, but I thank God that you didn't! Instead, you were there to teach me, to play with me, to correct me, and mostly, to love me. You not only showed me what it is to be a man, but to be a husband and a father. I know that if my kids (one day) turn out to be even half as perfect as me (HA!), that I can tell them it was you who taught me to be who I am. Thank you, dad! I love you!

To all the fathers that abandon their children, I hope you get hit by a bus.

Now back to regular scheduled programming.

Ever seem like your life is so routine, that every day is like the next? It seems like nothing ever changes. Then one day, you notice how different life is now from even a month ago. It feels like the movie Groundhog Day over here. Each day starting like the last and each night ending the same way. Yet, looking back to a month ago, almost everything has changed. One of the workers in my section, she went home permanently due to medical issues. The person in charge of us is no longer our boss. It's about 20 degrees hotter than before. And I'm that much closer to going home.

It's wierd how when you don't take time to notice change, it goes by undetected until one day it hits you just how different things are. I know I'm being ambigous but I can't say much in the way of details. But anywho...

I'm still very very busy. I was working until 9pm the last two days and I was starting at 6am and 4am on those days. I pretended to be dehydrated/sick today just to get a couple hours of sleep. Course, you'all can't feel too bad for me cause now I'm here typing this instead of sleeping. (I actually got off around 6:30p today!)

Well, I suppose that's all for now.



Angelus Oscuro said...

"To all the fathers that abandon their children, I hope you get hit by a bus."
Rofl, I agree.

Angelus Oscuro said...

I was using it, turned it off, 5 or so hours later turned it back on and nothing happened, Tubes didn't warm up, I tried the switch again several times and nothing. I took one of the fuses out and It was still good, the other fuse I couldn't get out b/c it was just spinning in the hole. Turns out that both of the fuse holders broke, I don't know how since the amp was stationery at the time and nothing fell and hit it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jason, what a beautiful tribute to your dad!!!! You are a good man.

Needless to say, yesterday sucked for us. Lucky Pa, he was in heaven celebrating the day.........

Love, Aunt Susan